MA thesis (Postscript, 290k), UT Austin, August 1993 Physical Modelling Of Non-Rigid Objects And Interactive Display Using BSP Trees
Dissertation (PDF, 5MB), TU München, 21st of December 1998 Mathematische Modellierung von menschlichem Gewebe zur präoperativen Planung in der Gesichtschirurgie
(Mathematical modelling of human tissue and preoperative planning of facial plastic surgery)
siehe auch Promotionsliste 1999 der TU München)
Quote of the second: (Psst, do you want to have some more FUN?)
Windows98 beherrscht echtes Multitasking!
Es kann gleichzeitig booten und abstürzen!
Windows98 is able to do *real* multitasking:
It can boot and crash at the same time!
And here is my favourite quote:
Many people easily confuse innovation with the latest influenza epidemia from Redmond.