Andy Spiegl    Hi, I am Andy Spiegl. Registered Linux User #54194
Time in Peru

75% Geek 75%

    animated mailbox   Dr. Andreas Spiegl
               Germany (maps)
    Mailbox E-Mail: (ät)

    Fax/Voice-Box FAX:   +49 3222 247 7717 (and Voice-Box)

    Jabber Jabber/XMPP:   (ät)
    G+ G+:
    Birthday B-day: -50734800

    Click here for detailled Private Mailing Address  (Email me for the password)
    plus Google Map and description how to get there.

My PGP Public keys and fingerprints
Interests Fields of Interest: Debian GNU/Linux Perl Medical imaging, CT, MR Computer aided (facial) plastic surgery my sons, Peru, Adoption, Astronomy, Skiing, Watersports, ... ;-) Software Previous Softwareproject: At the TU München, Chair of Applied Mathematics: SIPFAS --- Simulated Interactive Plastic Fascial Surgery Publications Publications:
    ---> MA thesis (Postscript, 290k), UT Austin, August 1993
    Physical Modelling Of Non-Rigid Objects And Interactive Display Using BSP Trees
    ---> Dissertation (PDF, 5MB), TU München, 21st of December 1998
    Mathematische Modellierung von menschlichem Gewebe zur präoperativen Planung in der Gesichtschirurgie
    (Mathematical modelling of human tissue and preoperative planning of facial plastic surgery)
    (abstract, siehe auch Promotionsliste 1999 der TU München)

Personal Part
(I you wanna know more, see my profile at Xing)

I am currently working for the Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität, Dept. Biology II as SysAdmin.

I was working for the matrix technology AG as IT Service Consultant until end of 2010.

I was working for the Bayerischer Rundfunk as SysAdmin until 2009/08.

I was working for KasCada until 2007/09.
My previous job in Peru is described here. (in German and English only)

By the way: Don't forget the System Administrator Appreciation Day!

If you want to contact me, try sending me first. I check my mailbox regularily.

And here is my blog and my categorized list of bookmarks.

Please support so that link lists like my bookmarks can be kept up.

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Quote of the second: (Psst, do you want to have some more FUN?)

Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain't that a big
enough majority in any town? - Mark Twain, "Huckleberry Finn"

Animated Linux Penguin

And here is my favourite quote:

Many people easily confuse innovation with the latest influenza epidemia from Redmond.

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Bone marrow donors wanted!

Last update on 8.Aug.2018     Impressum     Datenschutzerklärung